Henderson: First US presidential debate: reaction and outlook

​The Henderson Geneva US Equity Growth Team comments on the first US presidential debate.

28.09.2016 | 13:56 Uhr

Reactions to the first presidential debate were relatively muted as there were very few defining moments. US equity markets rose mildly after the debate and the Mexican peso strengthened, signalling the market believed that Hillary Clinton had 'won' this one. Betting odds of a Clinton presidency moved from 63% to 68%, with many investors believing Trump had missed an opportunity to convince undecided voters. Historically the debates have had little significance in election outcomes, only serving to confirm biases or providing an opportunity for candidates to make a mistake. With nearly a month and a half to go until the election, and with two presidential debates remaining there is plenty of opportunity for polls and public perception to shift and for either candidate to seize the momentum. We continue to anticipate that the US election will be a source of volatility in the markets as the polls oscillate back and forth. In these types of environments we believe it is important to focus on finding high quality companies; we expect these to continue to grow regardless of the election outcome. 

These are the managers' views at the time of writing. The information in this article does not qualify as an investment recommendation.

Die Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit ist kein zuverlässiger Indikator für die künftige Wertentwicklung. Alle Performance-Angaben beinhalten Erträge und Kapitalgewinne bzw. -verluste, aber keine wiederkehrenden Gebühren oder sonstigen Ausgaben des Fonds.

Die Informationen in diesem Artikel stellen keine Anlageberatung dar.

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