NN IP: Piecing the puzzle together

Never a dull moment in markets. Or, at least, very rarely a dull moment. It would be difficult to find such a sweet spot of boredom over the last year, or arguably even for the last decade, with all its financial, political and institutional crises.

06.10.2016 | 16:48 Uhr

Economic Outlook: Global growth and the willingness to take risk

Unlike previous economic slowdowns, the 2008 financial crisis has not been followed by strong growth. Willem Verhagen examines the  roots of the problem. Meanwhile, the UK looks to be preparing for a hard Brexit, while Emerging Market data have shown some improvement. Read more...

Asset Allocation: New puzzles emerge in the market every day

Headlines stories may justify some cautious overlay on some of the more objectively observable trends, but the observable trends remain the more crucial anchor of the modest risk tilt in our allocation stance. Read more...

Fixed Income: Will EMD be trumped by the Donald?

Emerging market debt (EMD) had a strong year so far, for an important part thanks to the global search for yield. We still think that the prospects are good, but scaled back some risk. The upcoming US elections are causing nervousness in markets while also fiscal positions are deteriorating. Read more...

Equity Strategy: Continued outperformance of cyclical stocks

Cyclical sectors have started to outperform their defensive peers since the summer. We have therefore increased our cyclical exposure in the past few months. Senior Strategist Patrick Moonen explains why he expects this cyclical outperformance to continue. Read more...

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