NN IP: Rumbling Rotation

Fund flows have a long way to go. Due to the persistent drop in bond yields and investors embracing enthusiastically the search for yield theme over the past 24 months or so, a lot of money had flown into the so-called bond proxies. It is likely that “tourists” are visiting the asset class.

13.10.2016 | 15:56 Uhr

Economic Outlook: Global growth should improve modestly

We expect a mild improvement in global growth in 2017 as the shock waves triggered by the tectonic shifts in commodity prices and exchange rates which hit the global economy from the second half of 2014 are slowly dying out. Willem Verhagen explains. Read more...

Asset Allocation: Open your mind

Next to fundamental analysis, the behavioural side of the equation receives an increasing share of our attention. NN IP’s Multi Asset team tries to assess the mood of Mr. Market by analysing his observed emotions and actual flow and price dynamics in the market. Read more...

Fixed Income: Macro improvement returns flows to spread products

Inflows to spread products have tentatively returned and a renewed search for yield appears to be underpinning spread product performance. The improvement in recent macro data and the fading global growth concerns are powerful drivers of investor flows into spread categories, says Koen Straetmans. Read more...

Equity Strategy: Rotation into cyclical sectors has further room to run

The drivers of the switch from bond-proxies into cyclical sectors and the bounce in the financial sector are still present, and we think they are strong enough to push the cyclical outperformance further. Patrick Moonen looks at equity markets. Read more...

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