NN IP: The Day After

Tomorrow morning we will know the outcome of the UK referendum, but probably only then the hard work starts from an investment perspective. While a “remain” vote would be more positive for financial markets, a “leave” outcome could also create interesting investment opportunities after an initial correction.

23.06.2016 | 16:10 Uhr

Economic Outlook
On a dovish Fed and an inactive BoJ

The Fed’s decision not to hike in June can be seen as confirmation that the dovish shift in the US central bank’s reaction function is still in place. The Bank of Japan, meanwhile, again disappointed by not easing this month. Read more

Asset Allocation
What to do on The Day After?

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Fixed Income
10-year Bund yields drop below zero

Following a weak US payrolls report and increased uncertainty about the UK referendum outcome, core government bond yield declined to new lows. Also UK Gilts benefit from a flight to safety, and therefore form Brexit risk. Read more

Equity Strategy
Brexit anxiety leads to investor myopia

The UK referendum has been dominating the headlines. With all this focus on Brexit, one might almost forget that there is more happening in financial markets. Investors seem to neglect the factors that are on an improving trend.  Read more

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