NN IP: US voters elect Trump as next president

The election of real estate and entertainment magnate Donald Trump as president of the US is likely to usher in a period of uncertainty for financial markets. Equities and other risky assets may suffer until visibility improves regarding the policy impact of a Trump presidency. Emerging markets and related assets are particularly vulnerable, as investors fear protectionist measures that may seriously impact US imports from emerging economies.

09.11.2016 | 08:48 Uhr

Period of uncertainty ahead; risky assets likely to suffer

It seems the polls were wrong again and Donald Trump has grabbed a surprise victory in the US election. A first negative reaction in risky assets, the Mexican peso and the US dollar is already visible... read more

Emerging markets vulnerable; Mexico, China most exposed

Emerging markets and related assets are particularly vulnerable, as investors fear protectionist measures that would seriously impact US imports from emerging economies. Most exposed are the economies that export... read more

Wider budget deficit, inflation may drive bond yields higher

In the medium term, though, a full implementation of Trump’s plans would lead to a big increase in the budget deficit given his plans for infrastructure spending, which he has said will be “at least double” the Clinton amount, coupled... read more 

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