NN IP: What protectionism may mean for markets

Over the past few years it has become clear that free trade is not a black-and-white variable. Rather, there are many shades of grey and it is inherently very much a political issue.

16.02.2017 | 16:35 Uhr

Asset Allocation: It’s all relative

We further increased our relative preference for equities by upgrading them to a medium overweight, while keeping government bonds at a medium underweight. Read more...

Economic Outlook: Some thoughts on protectionism

One of the biggest uncertainties for markets at present is the new US administration’s trade policy. Economist Willem Verhagen examines the motivations and consequences of protectionism. Read more...

Equity Strategy: Will dividend growth lag earnings growth?

Earnings are important but dividends are even more important. Dividends create regular income for the investor, and this is valuable in an environment of low corporate bond yields. Read more...

Fixed Income: Policy uncertainty weighs on peripherals

Bond markets are feeling the effects of political uncertainty, arising  not only from questions about US policies but also from upcoming events in Europe. Read more...

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