Schroders: Responsible Investment Report

Responsable Investment Report covers climate change risk to investment portfolios, a UK perspective on the living wage and shipping emissions, along with the team’s work to protect shareholder rights

26.05.2015 | 14:11 Uhr

Our responsible investment approach isn’t merely an attempt to follow recent market trends. Neither is it distinct and separate from our mainstream investments and services. We know that companies with robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance benefit from a lower cost of capital and are more likely to deliver superior returns over time.

We look to integrate understanding of ESG issues into our investment decisions, across asset classes. Engaging with companies and their management is a fundamental part of our investment process as an active investor. As well as improving performance, we believe that it adds value by enhancing communication and understanding between companies and investors.

This report brings you the details of our ESG engagement this quarter, as well as some of the broad issues and themes our eight-strong team has been considering. It demonstrates Schroders’ responsible approach to managing clients’ assets, and how we are integrating our ESG thinking into our investment processes.

Der vollständige Responsible Investment Report als pdf-Dokument

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