Janus Henderson: Why Emerging Market corporate bonds

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Emerging Markets

The Emerging Market (EM) corporate debt market is a large and diverse stand-alone asset class. Despite its scale and breadth, many investors are unaware of its merits. In this report Janus Henderson seek to highlight the attributes of EM corporate debt, and compare it with its sovereign debt counterpart.

11.06.2018 | 10:53 Uhr

The Emerging Market (EM) corporate debt market is a large and diverse stand-alone asset class. Since its formal introduction in 2002, the EM corporate bond universe has grown exponentially; indeed, the universe is now larger and has many more issuers than the hard currency EM sovereign debt market. Despite its scale and breadth, many investors are unaware of its merits.

In this report we seek to highlight the attributes of EM corporate debt, and compare it with its sovereign debt counterpart.

Please follow the link below to access the report.

EMCredit Insight: why Emerging Market corporate bonds?

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