Neben einer Zinserhöhung um 50 Basispunkte gab die EZB am vergangenen Donnerstag auch Einzelheiten zu einem neuen Transmissionsschutzinstrument (TPI) gegen Fragmentierung bekannt.
26.07.2022 | 14:32 Uhr
Die Unklarheit über die Bedingungen, unter denen das TPI aktiviert wird, deutet darauf hin, dass die Marktteilnehmer die Entschlossenheit der EZB auf die Probe stellen könnten, insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der größeren politischen Unsicherheit in Italien.
Einen Überblick zu diesem wie zu vielen anderen Themen, die derzeit die Kapitalmärkte bewegen, erhalten Sie im beigefügten Market Monitor von Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
Der vollständige Artikel ist zu finden unter:
Risk Considerations
Equity securities are more volatile than bonds and subject to greater
risks. Small and mid-sized company stocks involve greater risks than
those customarily associated with larger companies. Bonds are subject to
interest rate, price and credit risks. Prices tend to be inversely
affected by changes in interest rates. Unlike stocks and bonds, U.S.
Treasuries securities are guaranteed as to payment of principal and
interest if held to maturity. High yield fixed income securities are
considered speculative, involve greater risk of default, and tend to be
more volatile than investment grade fixed income securities. Income from
municipal securities is generally free from federal taxes and state
taxes for residents of the issuing state. While the interest income is
tax-free, capital gains, if any, will be subject to taxes. Income for
some investors may be subject to the federal Alternative Minimum Tax
(AMT). Investments in foreign securities entail special risks such as
currency, political, economic, and market risks. These risks are
heightened in emerging markets. Investments in commodities may be
affected by changes in overall market movements, commodity index
volatility, changes in interest rates or factors affecting a particular
industry or commodity.
The currency market affords investors a substantial degree of leverage.
This leverage presents the potential for substantial profits but also
entails a high degree of risk including the risk that losses may be
similarly substantial. Such transactions are considered suitable only
for investors who are experienced in transactions of that kind. Currency
fluctuations will also affect the value of an investment.
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