NN IP: Investors may be too optimistic

NN Investment Partners Weekly House View.

28.07.2016 | 16:36 Uhr

Economic Outlook

Eurozone still lacks a stable form of fiscal and banking union  

Improving growth momentum in emerging markets

A closer look at the European fiscal and banking union

The most important and potentially fatal flaw in the EMU fundamentals is the incomplete nature of its institutional design. In particular, the stability of the region would be greatly enhanced if there were a Eurozone Treasury to manage part of region wide public expenditure and perform a regional stabilisation function.


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Asset Allocation

Fundamentals have to take over to extend the rally

Overbought levels in equities and real estate

Investors may be too complacent

Investors turned from overly pessimistic to optimistic in less than a month time. After the recent rally we see overbought levels in equities, while companies are cautious in their outlook. Hence, we do not increase risk in our portfolios and stick to our small overweights in equities and spreads, with a focus on yield.


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Fixed Income

Flatter curves in Europe and US

Short-end Bund curve significantly negative 

Flatter yield curves for government bonds in Europe and US

Yield curves for German Bunds as well as US Treasury bonds have flattened noticeably in recent years. For Bunds, the front end of the curve has moved significantly below zero.


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Equity Strategy

Important days ahead for the financial sector in Europe


Better-than-expected corporate results, especially in cyclicals, but the outlook is cautious reflecting macro uncertainty

Are we approaching a turning point in the role of government bond yields as a driver for equities?

The post-referendum rally continued over the past week. Although important regional differences exist, global equities are up 4.5% since June 23, the day of the UK referendum. A large part of this performance was driven by a weaker euro.


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