Schroders: Quarterly markets review - Q3 2017

A review of equity and bond markets in Q3 2017, when global economic data remained upbeat and the Federal Reserve said it would start to reduce its balance sheet.

09.10.2017 | 09:43 Uhr

– Global equities posted a quarter of solid gains in Q3. Economic growth stayed in something of a “Goldilocks” zone overall, with stable expansion and benign inflation backed by positive earnings releases.  

– The S&P 500 rose over the quarter amid some supportive macroeconomic data, a robust quarterly reporting season and further weakness in the US dollar. 

 – Eurozone equities advanced against a backdrop of positive economic data. The possibility that the European Central Bank (ECB) could soon reduce its stimulus measures continued to be a focus for the market.  

– The UK’s FTSE All-Share index also rose, led by the resources sectors as both industrial metal and crude oil prices recovered.  

– Japanese equities also posted gains amid improving economic data. Politics took the headlines as Prime Minister Abe called an election to be held in October.   

– Emerging markets outperformed. Brazil was the strongest index market amid some reform progress, coupled with a reduced prospect of a return for the leftist Workers Party in the 2018 elections.  

– Bond yields were little changed over the quarter, reflecting a largely unchanged global economic backdrop. Corporate bonds made positive returns, outperforming government bonds.  


Read the full report here.


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Der Beitrag wurde am 09.10.17 auch auf veröffentlicht.

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