Why now: Expansion of emerging markets as an asset class
Emerging market credit has proven its resilience throughout
2024, navigating both macroeconomic headwinds and regional challenges. A key
factor behind this performance has been the proactive policy responses from EM
central banks, which, by acting ahead of their developed market counterparts
have been able to stabilize growth and control inflation. The early rate cuts
create a more favorable environment for corporate debt issuers, strengthening
corporate financial positions and lowering default risks.
Over the past decade, emerging market central banks have enhanced their market
credibility, allowing greater independence from the Fed in setting policy. This
flexibility has enabled EM central banks to respond more effectively to their
domestic economic conditions, helping them manage inflation and growth more
successfully. As the Fed continues its rate cuts, a softer dollar could further
benefit EM markets by appreciating local currencies and reducing debt costs for
EM issuers.
EM credit has evolved into a distinct, stand-alone asset class. The JPM
Corporate EMBI Broad Diversified index, one of the most widely used benchmarks,
has grown to nearly USD 500 billion. However, the broader investment universe
for external EM corporates exceeds USD 1.5 trillion, suggesting that strict
index rules leave significant portions of the market untapped. This growth has
sparked increasing institutional interest, boosting trading volumes, and
deepening market liquidity. As a result, investors can find hidden value in
segments of the EM credit market that lie beyond standard benchmarks.
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