Henderson: Final US presidential debate: Clinton wins 'fight night'

With the third presidential debate behind us, we now move into the last three weeks of the US election season and Democrat Hillary Clinton has a commanding lead. It is unlikely that the final debate changed the minds of voters and only reinforced the notion that this has been the foulest and most unconventional campaign in modern US history.

21.10.2016 | 14:48 Uhr

PredictWise put the probability of a Clinton win at 91% following the debate* and, with Clinton sporting a lead of between 6 and 9 percentage points over Trump in various polls, the maths looks increasingly difficult for the Republicans. Polling numbers indicate that Clinton has strong leads in key swing states such as Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, and Colorado. She also has slight leads in the traditionally GOP** leaning states of Arizona and North Carolina. At this point in the election it will be difficult to change the minds of voters and, with early voting now open in some states, the election has already begun.

We continue to believe the US election will be a source of volatility in the markets as investors digest the daily news flow; in these types of environments our strategy remains to focus on finding high quality companies that we believe will continue to grow regardless of the election outcome.

* correct as at 21 October 2016.

** GOP = 'Grand Old Party' is a name commonly used for the Republicans.

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