Henderson: Guide to the US presidential election

​​Ryan Boothroyd from Henderson’s Multi-Asset Team provides his need-to-know guide to the 2016 US presidential election.

23.09.2016 | 13:26 Uhr

In the Q&A section ​​Ryan Boothroyd discusses what issues are shaping the campaign, key things to watch out for, and which assets are most likely to be affected in the event of a Clinton or Trump victory.

Questions covered:

  • How can each candidate’s differing domestic policy platforms be viewed? 
  • What other themes have defined the election so far? 
  • What do the polls look like? 
  • What are the key things to watch in the run-up to the election? 
  • Which assets look likely to be most affected by the election?

Please click on the link to access the guide.

US presidential election guide

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