Morgan Stanley IM: Increasing Returns: Identifying Forms of Increasing Returns and What Drives Them
Understanding the five areas of micro and macroeconomics where increasing returns applies and show their relevance to investors.
01.02.2024 | 06:45 Uhr
We review five areas of micro- and macroeconomics where the concept
of increasing returns applies and attempt to show why they are relevant
to investors today.
Increasing returns describes cases when a marginal investment
generates an output above the average and shows up as rising returns on
invested capital and high market share.
The forms of increasing returns tend to overlap and are useful to
understand in the context of industry formation, market structure,
international trade, and economic growth.
Most forms of increasing returns are deeply intertwined with the
rise of intangible assets, which can scale faster than tangible ones but
are also harder to protect.
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For the complete content and important disclosures, refer to the article pdf.
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