Nachfolgend finden Sie aktuellen Informationen zur Auflösung des QI GTAA plus Portfolio's und den betroffenen Anteilsklassen.
15.10.2018 | 09:48 Uhr
Announcement regarding Robeco Capital Growth Funds - Robeco QI GTAA Plus (the „Sub-Fund“)
The Board of Directors of Robeco Capital Growth Funds (the “Company”) has the intention to liquidate the Sub-Fund (subject to the approval of the CSSF), considering that the total Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund has become less than the amount which the Board of Directors considers as being the minimum amount required for the existence of the Sub-Fund in the interest of the shareholders, and that the future sales potential is limited.
In principle, no subscriptions in the Sub-Fund will be accepted. Shareholders may continue to redeem their shares or convert their shares into shares of another sub-fund with a similar investment policy managed by Robeco Luxembourg S.A., the Management Company of the Sub-Fund, at the transaction price and free of charges from the Company or the Management Company, until further notice. Please note that your financial advisor or distributor could charge additional fees.
Once the CSSF has approved the liquidation of the Sub-Fund we will inform you duly about the liquidation date and procedure.
Hier finden Sie das Anschreiben für Kunden, die Übersicht der betroffenen Anteilsklassen und den detaillierten Zeitplan zur Schließung.
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