Robeco: Rekordergebnis in 2015

Mit Assets under Management in Höhe von 268,1 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet Robeco das siebte Jahr in Folge Rekordergebnisse.

09.02.2016 | 09:43 Uhr

Today, Robeco Groep N.V. (“Robeco”) announces its results for the full year ended 31 December 2015. In 2015, total assets under management increased by EUR 22.1 billion (+18%) to EUR 268.1 billion, of which 47% are institutional. The assets under management growth resulted in an all-time high for the seventh consecutive year.

The increase in assets under management was driven by a strong positive investment result, which provided our clients with attractive returns, and was supported by a net positive cash inflow. The investment result of EUR 18.6 billion was positively affected by a EUR 17.3 billion gain caused by US dollar appreciation.

The net cash inflow amounted to EUR 4.0 billion (2014: EUR 6.2 billion). In geographical terms, flows were different for different markets. On a net basis, bond funds experienced outflows, while equity funds posted net inflows, especially in US equity and quantitative strategies, for example.

In 2015 Robeco generated net profits of EUR 237 million: a record high and an improvement of 4% compared to the previous year. This increased result was due to an increase of recurring management fees, caused by the positive investment result during the first half of the year. The operating result over the year ended at EUR 360 million, an improvement of EUR 30 million.

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