Fondsmanager Matthew Evans neu bei Threadneedle

Threadneedle gibt bekannt, dass Matthew Evans ab Anfang Oktober als UK Small Cap Fondsmanager das UK Aktienteam unterstützen wird. Er wird eng mit UK Small Cap Fondsmanager James Thorne zusammen arbeiten und an den Leiter UK Aktien Simon Brazier berichten.

17.06.2013 | 13:40 Uhr

Threadneedle Investments (Threadneedle), a leading international asset manager, has appointed Matthew Evans to the role of UK Small Cap Fund Manager, starting early October 2013. Matthew has 12 years’ experience in UK smaller companies investing. He will work closely with James Thorne, UK Small Cap Fund Manager, and will report to Simon Brazier, Head of UK Equities at Threadneedle. The Threadneedle UK small and mid-cap team manage a total AUM of €1.69bn out of a total of €19.0bn in UK equities.

Simon Brazier Head of UK Equities commented: “Our UK equities investment team is one of the strongest in the industry. Our robust product range is supported by a proven track record, active idea sharing and teamwork. Matthew’s appointment further strengthens our UK small and mid-cap expertise and I am confident that with his experience and expertise in this asset class, the team will continue to deliver out-performance for our clients.”

Matthew was previously a senior UK Small Cap Fund Manager and worked within a team managing €1.1bn at Legal & General Investment Management.

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