Kommentar von Dave Chappell, Senior Fund Manager, Fixed Income bei Columbia Threadneedle Investments, zur EZB-Sitzung:
Die US-Wirtschaft bleibt stark und die Inflation geht zurück – ganz ohne Rezession.
Over the next 10 years the US dollar will likely surrender another 10% share of global foreign exchange reserves – but there will be no single beneficiary, with 10 different currencies all growing their allocations
Im vergangenen Jahr überraschten die US-Aktienmärkte immer wieder mit hohen Gewinnen. Mit dem Amtsantritt der neuen Regierung hat die Unsicherheit jedoch fühlbar zugenommen.
Bumper earnings have seen big US tech names dominate equity returns. What are their prospects from here and will the rest of the market begin to close the gap?
As the US prepares for a political changing of the guard, our CEO shares his thoughts on where he sees markets opportunities and the potential risks for investors in 2025.
Want to know what differentiates us from our competitors when it comes to investment grade?
Eurozone mit Überraschungspotenzial, Großbritannien unter Druck, USA optimistisch.
Stagflation in the UK, stagnation in Europe and goldilocks in the US. This week, we’ll look at what this means and ask where consensus might be wrong.
Company measures based on EBITDA are common in credit investing, even though it doesn’t project a full picture. So, what does Columbia Threadneedle do differently to get a more holistic view?