Threadneedle stellt US-Aktienteam neu auf

Im Zuge dessen wird Diane Sobin, die bereits seit 2011 zu Threadneedle gehört und über 28 Jahre Erfahrung in der Verwaltung von US-Aktienportfolios verfügt, die Leitung des Teams übernehmen.

23.01.2014 | 14:24 Uhr

Threadneedle Investments (Threadneedle), a leading international asset manager, announces that Head of US Equities, Cormac Weldon, has resigned and will leave the firm in April following full transition of his responsibilities. Portfolio Manager Stephen Moore will also leave Threadneedle. Diane Sobin becomes Head of US Equities reporting to Leigh Harrison, Head of Equities at Threadneedle. In addition to investing in the London-based team we will increase our collaboration with Columbia Management’s substantial US Equities team. Columbia Management is the US-based asset management subsidiary of Threadneedle’s parent company, Ameriprise Financial. This approach will offer our clients the benefit of a fully resourced team that leverages the significant capabilities, intellectual capital and strength of both organisations.

Threadneedle and Columbia manage a combined $117bn AUM in US Equities, with 56 Portfolio Managers and 58 analysts located in London, Boston, New York, Minneapolis, Portland, Hartford and Stamford, managing a full range of strategies.

Mark Burgess, Chief Investment Officer at Threadneedle said: “Cormac has decided to leave Threadneedle after 17 years and we wish him well and thank him for his valuable contribution to the firm. Following his departure, we will continue to invest in our London team under Diane’s leadership, while also better and more fully utilising the research resources of Columbia Management. Columbia has a successful and well-resourced US Equities team and there is significant potential to collaborate further in order to enhance both firms’ capabilities in the sector. Threadneedle’s proven investment process is based on collaboration and sharing of ideas to deliver a perspective advantage, and this approach supports and extends that process by making many more US-based resources available to our clients.

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