BNP IP: 2016 Special Report: How to benefit from the opening of the 3rd bond market in the world

In 2015, RMB became the fifth most used currency for international payments. In October 2016, the Chinese currency should represent more than 10% in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights. This should pave the way for increasing demand for RMB Bonds over the coming months and years.

01.04.2016 | 11:06 Uhr

Especially as in February 2016, the Chinese Government has liberalized the access to the onshore interbank bond market, meaning quota are not needed anymore to access the market. 

Please find attached a special report covering the major Chinese fixed income asset classes, with: 

2016 CNY Bond outlook: monetary easing, more defaults? How to avoid the punch by investing in the “Bruce Lees” of this world 

2016 RMB outlook: to RM-Be or not RM-Be, that is the question for 2016 and signs of waning growth momentum.

The China High Yield Bond Market: how to pick-up additional yields without investing in junk bonds?. 

The China RMB Money Market: the first safe-haven in choppy Chinese markets

The opening-up on to foreign investors: opportunistic move? Long term support for the RMB

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