BNP IP: Will the monkey smile on EM in 2016?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its long-awaited spring report on 12 April. Patrick Mange, Head of APAC & EM Strategy at BNP Paribas Investment Partners comments this report.

04.05.2016 | 10:50 Uhr

  • The IMF projects real and nominal GDP growth to pick up faster in emerging economies than in developed ones from late 2016 onwards.
  • A moderate growth and subdued inflation in developed markets give substance to the view that monetary policies in developed economies will remain very accommodating.
  • Commodity prices in general, and particularly those of crude oil, may well have seen their lows.
  • The idea that China could experience a hard landing this year or next is not in our view a worry for financial markets any more, at least not for the foreseeable future.
  • There seem to be tentative signs of emerging market earnings growth momentum turning for the better and moving more in line with that in developed markets.

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