Degroof Petercam: Trump’s victory leads to a number of uncertainties

The Republican President Trump will operate in a Congress which is entirely Republican. However, the checks and balances embedded in the American political system ensure that no president has carte blanche.

09.11.2016 | 16:00 Uhr

Trump’s victory leads to a number of uncertainties and concerns on financial markets, which may initially weigh on them:

• Monetary policy : In the course of the campaign, Mr. Trump has questioned the independence of the central bank.

• Budgetary discipline: the combination of lower revenues (lower tax income) and higherexpenditure (infrastructure) may result in a significant rise of the budget deficit.

• Relationship of the US with its trade partners: the trade restrictions and protectionist stance would be primarily targeted towards emerging countries, China in particular. Currency devaluations may ensue.

• Geopolitical situation: the isolationism put forward by Mr. Trump in that regard may lead touncertainty. 

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