Morgan Stanley IM: Red Light, Green Light, Yellow Light: Risks and Fat-Tails in 2023
Jim Caron, Senior Advisor for the Fixed Income Team, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.20.12.2022 | 06:15 Uhr
- There are many competing narratives for 2023, many of them with great merit.
- A lot is at stake, more than just the oversimplified commentaries about falling inflation, a Fed “pivot, and the possibility of a soft landing.
- In fact, I believe there is a real fat-tailed risk lurking in 2023 that many underestimate and is not currently priced in the market. This is most worrisome to me, a red-light risk.
- But there is also a fat-tail on the other side of the probability distribution that would likely result in very positive asset performance, a green-light risk.
- And, there is a yellow-light risk as well, all discussed in the audio.