NN IP: Sledgehammer

The long-awaited policy measures by the Bank of England to fight the negative consequences of Brexit were announced last Thursday. Expectations were high, but the BoE did not disappoint.

11.08.2016 | 15:12 Uhr

Economic Outlook
A closer look at fiscal policy (Part I)

Expectations about fiscal policy joining monetary stimulus in order to give the economy a much needed fresh boost are building. This week Senior Economist Willem Verhagen explains what the effects of fiscal stimulus could be on an economy. Read more

 Asset Allocation
Risk is still well rewarded

In a world where excess savings are chasing returns and where risk-free alternatives do not longer offer these returns, the trend towards risky assets will likely continue until we reach the moment when risks suddenly rise and the risk compensation needs to adapt accordingly. Read more

Fixed Income 
EM better positioned to deal with headwinds

The EMD categories continue to perform well, benefiting from the global search for yield and the tentative improvements in EM fundamentals. The general state of the emerging world is much better now than it was in the last few years and the beginning of this year. Read more

Equity Strategy
The Bank of England exceeded expectations in its policy announcement and promises to do more if needed

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