NN IP: Steady Uncertainty

In the Post-Credit Crisis World with low growth, high debt levels, global imbalances and multiple political crises makes it fairly easy to understand why people feel uncertain. A rapidly changing world, with all these easily identified risk factors, has inspired many strongly opinionated pundits to paint a dark future for the global economy and for global markets.

19.05.2016 | 15:44 Uhr

Economic Outlook: A look at global growth

The global growth picture fails to convey convincing above-trend rates and is quite volatile. Over the past six months we have seen another soft patch, both in absolute terms and relative to expectations. Read more...

Asset Allocation: Steady uncertainty

The level of uncertainty experienced in the present generally feels higher than “normal”. The reality is, however, that we often do not appreciate how uncertain the world has always been. Read more...

Fixed Income: Tailwinds for EM debt markets are easing

With renewed worries about the Chinese growth picture and a stronger US dollar, two main tailwinds for EM assets of the past few months are fading. Without a Chinese recovery, the prospects for EM growth remain bleak. Read more...

Equity Strategy: Waiting for a convincing catalyst

Equity markets are currently lacking direction as there are no convincing catalysts that determine risk appetite. The Brexit referendum is certainly such a catalyst, next to changing Fed expectations and the need for more earnings growth in the US. Read more...

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