NN IP: The search for yield sweet spot

Spread products have seen a sharp reversal in sentiment, flows and performance since mid-February. The early part of the year was characterized by a substantial "risk-off" pattern. Then things dramatically improved. Different factors and events have been instrumental in this fortune's turnaround.

31.03.2016 | 15:15 Uhr

Economic Outlook: A macro review of the recent risk rally

With the benefit of hindsight we can now say that fundamentals factors triumphed over the negative sentiment that prevailed in the first six weeks of the year. These fundamentals may have won a battle but they have not yet won the war. Read more...

Asset Allocation: Central bankers remain in the driving seat for financial assets

The impact of central bank decisions on financial markets cannot be underestimated. Action and comments by the Fed, the ECB and the BoJ were largely responsible for the market’s latest gyrations. Read more...

Fixed Income: Central banks spur the search for yield

Spread products have rebounded sharply since mid-February, thanks to the dovish tone of the Federal Reserve and the new measures announced by the ECB. Improving macroeconomic data and a tentative recovery in commodity prices also helped. Read more... 

Equity Strategy: Looking for secure yields in the equity market

Equity market behaviour has been erratic due to shifts in monetary policy expectations and investor sentiment. It might therefore be interesting to look at a somewhat less volatile part of the market, namely dividends. In a low-yield, but volatile environment, a relatively safe dividend yield is an interesting feature. Read more...

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