NN IP: There is Always an Alternative

A lot of investors are still wondering what exactly hit them in the first week of the year. The big debate is not so much what triggered the move, but what made it so big and what it signals for the rest of the year.

14.01.2016 | 16:09 Uhr

Economic Outlook

August came back in January

The big market story at the start of 2016 is that we have once again seen movements in financial market prices that have the potential to induce the feedback loop between EM growth momentum and EM financial conditions/credit supply to spin in a negative direction.  Read more

Asset Allocation

TAA: There’s Always an Alternative

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Fixed Income

Slope of US and German yield curves is close to normal

Historically, 10-year yields tend to be highly correlated, while 2-year yields are more driven by monetary policy expectations. Hence, 10-year yields in the US and Germany may drift up, while German 2-year yields remain relatively low, relative to both German 10-year yields and US 2-year yields.  Read more

Equity Strategy

Negative impact of falling oil prices prevails

Equity markets are witnessing one of the worst starts of the year in history. Investors express their worries about the relentless drop in oil prices and the ability of Chinese policy makers to control their equity market and currency.  Read more

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