NN IP: US election clouds market’s vision

The cloud of uncertainty that surrounds the upcoming US election is having an impact on investors’ willingness to listen to the constructive news flow from underlying fundamentals.

03.11.2016 | 16:09 Uhr

Asset Allocation

The known unknown

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Economic Outlook

A closer look at BoJ yield targeting

Faced with the formidable task of pumping up a deflated economy, the Bank of Japan is seeking a new policy framework more actively than the other developed market central banks. Willem Verhagen explains why. Read more

Equity Strategy

Election uncertainty keeps investors cautious

Increased uncertainty about the US election outcome has increased risk aversion among investors, but the underlying fundamental trends are positive. The US earnings season is developing well and we are likely to see positive earnings growth again. This trend is expected to accelerate in the coming quarters. Read more

Fixed Income

Global search for yield keeps downward pressure on EM rates

Despite rising bond yields in developed markets, capital flows to emerging markets (EM) have held up well. Resulting easier financial conditions are the main reason why EM growth has been improving since the summer. However, the fiscal position in many emerging markets has continued to deteriorate. Read more

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