Jim Caron provides his review of the first quarter of 2018 and his outlook on market opportunities.
Passive bond funds are becoming popular with investors, particularly the exchange-traded kind. The trouble is, fixed income doesn't lend itself easily to index tracking.
Each currency has its unique drivers and the foreign exchange market overall is known for bouts for volatility. But there is the potential for broad-based appreciation of EM currency versus the US dollar, providing a lift to total returns from local currency debt, Patrick Zweifel, Chief Economist at Pictet means.
In this article, Darrell Watters, Head of North America Fixed Income at Janus Henderson Investors, provides his views on the impact of the additional US government spending that is as a result of the recently approved budget deal by the US Congress.
Tom Ross, Portfolio Manager within Janus Henderson's Global Credit Team, considers the impact of the Italian elections on fixed income markets.
Traditional fundamental-based models may no longer be optimal for valuing fixed income investment opportunities. We need a new way to value assets, so Jima Caron, portfolio manager and senior member on the Morgan Stanley Investment Management Global Fixed Income team.
Steht die Zinswende bevor? In diesem Fall drohen klassischen, benchmark-orientierten Investment-Konzepten Kursrisiken. Martin Dreier, Portfolio-Manager bei ODDO BHF AM, bietet im Rahmen dieses Webinars einen Ausweg aus dem Zinstal ohne dabei die typischen Nachteile klassischer Renten-Konzepte in Kauf zu nehmen.
Spread markets have remained fairly resilient in the face of volatility and rising government bond yields. The solid macro background and unaltered monetary policy outlook are likely to remain key support factors for spread products.
In Folge des weltweiten Aufschwungs haben einige Notenbanken angefangen ihre lockere Geldpolitik zu straffen. Den Experten der Capital Group zufolge liegen Investoren, die meinen, dass Anleihen bei steigenden Kursfristzinsen zwangsläufig verlieren allerdings falsch.
Die Renditen von erstklassigen festverzinslichen Wertpapieren haben sich in den vergangenen 25 Jahren kontinuierlich verringert. Wie man in diesem Umfeld mit einer Multi-Asset-Credit-Strategie noch Alpha generieren kann, darüber sprachen wir mit Garland Hansmann, Portfolio Manager bei Investec Asset Management, auf der Investment-Konferenz von FondsConsult.