Das Jahr 2024 hat einmal mehr gezeigt, dass ETFs kein Allheilmittel sind. Im mittlerweile sehr unübersichtlichen Angebot gibt es auch viele marketinggetriebene Produkte, die nicht unbedingt eine sinnvolle Geldanlage darstellen. Teilweise gab es Verluste von über 30 Prozent.
28.01.2025 | 10:30 Uhr
ETFs sind als eine der beliebtesten Formen der Geldanlage. Insbesondere unter jüngeren Geldanlegern haben sie so etwas wie Kultstatus erreicht. Grund: Sie bieten oftmals eine breite Diversifikation zu geringen Kosten. Viele Anleger haben sie als eine Art „sicheres“ Investment angesehen, das vor allem in unsicheren Marktphasen Stabilität bringt. Wo ETF drauf steht wird Qualität vermutet. Doch auch das Jahr 2024 hat gezeigt, dass ETFs in bestimmten Fällen durchaus auch mit erheblichen Verlusten erleiden können.
Die Illusion der Allzweck-Waffe
ETFs bieten eine attraktive Möglichkeit, in ganze Märkte, Sektoren oder Länder zu investieren, ohne Einzelwerte auswählen zu müssen. Sie können beispielsweise in Branchen wie Solarenergie, Wasserstoff oder in bestimmte Länder wie Brasilien, Mexiko, Pakistan oder Südkorea investieren. Diese breite Streuung sollte theoretisch helfen, Risiken zu minimieren, da Verluste aus einzelnen Aktien durch die Performance anderer Werte ausgeglichen werden.
Doch die Realität sieht oft anders aus. Ein ETF, der auf einen bestimmten Sektor oder ein bestimmtes Land setzt, kann genauso von Marktrisiken und strukturellen Problemen betroffen sein wie Einzelaktien. Zudem enthalten solche ETFs oftmals auch nur wenige Titel, die oftmals auch sehr hoch gewichtet sind. Dies konterkariert die Fondsidee.
Rückschläge in Lateinamerika und bei erneuerbaren Energien
Ein Beispiel sind ETFs, die auf Schwellenländer wie Brasilien oder Mexiko ausgerichtet sind. 2024 erlebten viele dieser Fonds deutliche Rückgänge. Die Gründe hierfür sind vielfältig. Politische Instabilität, wirtschaftliche Unsicherheiten und Währungsschwankungen lassen weniger entwickelte Märkte schnell kollabieren. Ein ETF, der in solche Märkte investiert, spiegelt daher nicht nur das Potenzial dieser Länder wider, sondern auch deren Risiken.
Sektor-ETFs: Die Schattenseite der Spezialisierung
Sektor-ETFs sind besonders anfällig für diese Art von Volatilität. Während sie kurzfristig von einem boomenden Markt profitieren können, haben sie auch das Potenzial, bei plötzlichen Marktrückgängen stark zu verlieren. Ein gutes Beispiel hierfür sind ETFs, die in Wasserstoff oder Solarenergie investieren. Diese Sektoren wurden in den letzten Jahren aufgrund des grünen Hypes und der internationalen Klimapolitik oft als zukunftsträchtig angepriesen und erhielten viel Aufmerksamkeit. Jedoch bleiben die langfristigen Erfolgsaussichten von vielen dieser Unternehmen ungewiss
Diversifikation als Schlüssel
Die wichtigste Erkenntnis aus den Erfahrungen von 2024 ist, dass Diversifikation nicht immer den gewünschten Schutz bietet. Ein ETF mag zwar eine breite Streuung über viele Aktien oder Anleihen bieten, doch das schützt nicht immer vor spezifischen Risiken, die bestimmte Sektoren oder Regionen betreffen. Wer in einen ETF investiert, der sich auf eine bestimmte Branche oder Region fokussiert, sollte sich der potenziellen Schwächen bewusst sein.
Während ETFs nach wie vor eine ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit zur Vermögensbildung sein können, ist es wichtig, die zugrunde liegenden Risiken zu verstehen und nicht zu glauben, dass sie in allen Fällen ein Allheilmittel sind. Anleger sollten sich gut überlegen, ob die Konzentration auf bestimmte Sektoren oder Länder wirklich zu ihrem Risikoprofil passt und sich bewusst sein, dass auch ETFs den üblichen Marktrisiken betroffen sind.
ETFs bieten eine bequeme und kostengünstige Möglichkeit der Geldanlage, aber sie sind nicht immun gegen Marktrisiken und können in einzelnen Sektoren oder Ländern durchaus zu deutlichen Verlusten führen. Sinn machen vor allem die ETFs, die in die bekannten weltweiten Indizes investieren oder auch in den US- oder europäischen Markt. Die sehr speziellen ETFs, die Trendthemen oder Nischen investieren, sind allenfalls für einen kurzfristigen Trade geeignet. Als Langfristanlage machen sie in den seltensten Fällen Sinn.
Übersicht der schlechtesten ETFs
Name | ISIN | Perf. 2024 | Perf. 2 Jahre kum. | Perf. 3 Jahre kum. | Perf. 5 Jahre kum. | Volatilität 1 Jahr | Volatilität 3 Jahre |
Invesco Markets II plc - Invesco Solar Energy UCITS ETF | IE00BM8QRZ79 | -33,32% | -52,84% | -52,70% | 33,65% | 35,42% | |
VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic Metals UCITS ETF USD A | IE0002PG6CA6 | -31,21% | -46,43% | -60,64% | 34,68% | 33,32% | |
Global X Cleantech UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BMH5YL08 | -29,76% | -47,69% | -53,69% | 28,78% | 32,94% | |
Global X Hydrogen UCITS ETF | IE0002RPS3K2 | -29,09% | -56,52% | 53,57% | |||
iShares MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF USD (Dist) | IE00B0M63516 | -27,53% | -8,37% | 9,51% | -28,61% | 10,90% | 25,28% |
Amundi S&P 500 VIX Futures Enhanced Roll UCITS ETF Acc | LU0832435464 | -27,40% | -65,23% | -67,80% | -71,77% | 28,01% | 32,37% |
iShares MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF (DE) Acc | DE000A0Q4R85 | -26,62% | -6,34% | 12,72% | -26,00% | 10,82% | 25,28% |
AMUNDI INDEX SOLUTIONS - AMUNDI ETF MSCI BRAZIL - UCITS ETF | LU1437024992 | -26,55% | -6,51% | 12,53% | -26,59% | 10,76% | 25,20% |
Amundi MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF Acc | LU1900066207 | -26,04% | -5,68% | 13,88% | -26,02% | 11,95% | 25,39% |
Xtrackers MSCI Brazil UCITS ETF 1C | LU0292109344 | -25,84% | -5,49% | 13,20% | -25,90% | 10,41% | 25,05% |
Amundi FTSE MIB Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0010446666 | -25,56% | -58,20% | -58,26% | -83,13% | 18,41% | 33,23% |
VanEck Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF | IE00BMDH1538 | -25,39% | -45,59% | -64,76% | 39,05% | 37,51% | |
Xtrackers MSCI EM Latin America Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0292108619 | -24,80% | -8,26% | 0,33% | -30,45% | 8,96% | 23,86% |
L&G DAX® Daily 2x Short UCITS ETF EUR Acc | IE00B4QNHZ41 | -24,63% | -46,17% | -41,37% | -73,67% | 15,99% | 30,95% |
Amundi ShortDAX Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0010869495 | -24,16% | -45,44% | -40,22% | -73,09% | 14,52% | 30,67% |
Global X Solar UCITS ETF | IE000XD7KCJ7 | -23,88% | -51,00% | 33,65% | |||
WisdomTree Renewable Energy UCITS ETF - USD Acc | IE000P3D0W60 | -23,71% | 20,63% | ||||
Xtrackers ShortDAX x2 Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0411075020 | -23,68% | -45,00% | -39,76% | -72,55% | 16,01% | 30,93% |
Xtrackers S&P 500 2x Inverse Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0411078636 | -23,54% | -48,46% | -28,07% | -79,19% | 23,07% | 38,98% |
iShares MSCI Mexico Capped UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00B5WHFQ43 | -23,35% | 3,63% | 6,77% | 26,26% | 13,52% | 20,66% |
Xtrackers MSCI Mexico UCITS ETF 1C | LU0476289466 | -23,31% | 3,72% | 7,28% | 26,70% | 13,52% | 20,72% |
Franklin FTSE Brazil UCITS ETF | IE00BHZRQY00 | -23,22% | -2,74% | 16,76% | -23,54% | 9,59% | 25,13% |
iShares MSCI EM Latin America UCITS ETF USD (Dist) Share Class | IE00B27YCK28 | -22,89% | -0,93% | 13,33% | -12,08% | 7,72% | 21,40% |
AMUNDI INDEX SOLUTIONS-Amundi MSCI EM Latin America - UCITS ETF - USD | LU1681045297 | -22,42% | -0,71% | 14,50% | -11,18% | 7,33% | 21,28% |
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America UCITS ETF - EUR | LU1681045024 | -21,96% | -0,29% | 15,55% | -10,80% | 7,49% | 21,41% |
Invesco Markets II plc - Invesco Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BLRB0242 | -21,93% | -33,09% | -50,69% | 19,36% | 28,11% | |
Invesco Markets II plc - Invesco Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF Dist | IE00BLRB0028 | -21,93% | -33,10% | -50,67% | 19,36% | 28,11% | |
iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD (Dist) | IE00B1XNHC34 | -21,76% | -39,98% | -39,83% | 8,84% | 20,80% | 25,09% |
iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE000U58J0M1 | -21,61% | -39,87% | 20,82% | |||
Invesco Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF Acc | IE00053WDH64 | -19,57% | -26,97% | 18,26% | |||
Global X Renewable Energy Producers UCITS ETF | IE00BLCHJH52 | -18,84% | -33,12% | -37,10% | 18,77% | 20,26% | |
iShares MSCI Korea UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00B5W4TY14 | -18,77% | -4,41% | -28,32% | -6,35% | 19,90% | 24,23% |
Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 9 Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure UCITS ETF 1C | IE0005E47AH7 | -18,76% | -29,23% | 17,01% | |||
iShares MSCI Korea UCITS ETF Dist | IE00B0M63391 | -18,73% | -4,48% | -28,33% | -5,78% | 19,97% | 24,26% |
HSBC MSCI KOREA Capped UCITS ETF | IE00B3Z0X395 | -18,53% | -3,58% | -27,69% | -4,34% | 19,74% | 24,22% |
Xtrackers MSCI Korea UCITS ETF 1C | LU0292100046 | -18,37% | -3,55% | -27,59% | -5,72% | 19,87% | 24,20% |
Fidelity Electric Vehicle & Future Transportation UCITS ETF Acc USD | IE0009MG7KH8 | -18,25% | -10,23% | 21,89% | |||
Amundi MSCI Korea UCITS ETF Acc | LU1900066975 | -17,39% | -3,02% | -27,24% | -5,99% | 20,06% | 24,78% |
Franklin FTSE Korea UCITS ETF | IE00BHZRR030 | -17,36% | -2,64% | -25,10% | -1,10% | 18,95% | 24,10% |
Amundi MSCI USA Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | LU1327051279 | -17,06% | -44,62% | -22,59% | -77,82% | 16,28% | 37,87% |
Amundi Global BioEnergy ESG Screened UCITS ETF - USD Acc | LU1681046188 | -15,89% | -18,33% | 26,22% | 18,82% | 13,43% | 22,90% |
Global X Wind Energy UCITS ETF | IE000JNHCBM6 | -15,60% | -34,06% | 18,83% | |||
Amundi Global BioEnergy ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR Acc | LU1681046006 | -15,54% | -17,92% | 27,30% | 19,25% | 13,10% | 23,18% |
Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy UCITS ETF 1C | IE000JZYIUN0 | -15,45% | -39,16% | 20,32% | |||
Amundi SMI Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0010869438 | -14,70% | -20,55% | 2,72% | -50,22% | 19,71% | 25,30% |
First Trust GF - Nasdaq® Clean Edge® Green Energy UCITS ETF Class A USD | IE00BDBRT036 | -14,50% | -25,95% | -45,68% | -42,71% | 29,64% | 36,87% |
Global X Lithium & Battery Tech UCITS ETF | IE00BLCHJN13 | -14,39% | -26,96% | -45,39% | 29,84% | 27,32% | |
Amundi EURO STOXX 50 Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0010424143 | -14,16% | -41,44% | -40,53% | -73,30% | 16,41% | 29,94% |
iShares UK Property UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc | IE000FI414K7 | -13,75% | -6,33% | 17,09% | |||
KraneShares Electric Vehicles & Future Mobility ESG Screened UCITS ETF | IE000YUAPTQ0 | -13,35% | 31,12% | ||||
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF CHF Hedged (Dist) | IE00BD8PH067 | -13,32% | -9,40% | -37,04% | -28,14% | 15,41% | 19,08% |
WisdomTree CAC 40 3x Daily Leveraged | XS2637077020 | -12,87% | 30,10% | ||||
Deka Future Energy ESG UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL607 | -12,47% | -29,26% | 22,39% | |||
ZKB Palladium ETF AA CHF Klasse | CH0183136065 | -12,47% | -48,29% | -48,93% | -51,30% | 26,75% | 32,06% |
Invesco US Treasury Bond 10+ Year UCITS ETF EUR Hdg Dist | IE000FXHG8D6 | -12,30% | -15,56% | 12,26% | |||
Amundi FTSE MIB Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0010446146 | -11,48% | -31,94% | -30,08% | -52,90% | 9,44% | 16,83% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0H08H3 | -11,16% | -12,48% | -24,10% | -12,54% | 8,58% | 12,12% |
Guinness Sustainable Energy UCITS ETF | IE00BNC1F287 | -11,14% | -10,87% | -32,01% | 16,81% | 21,97% | |
Global X Genomics & Biotechnology UCITS ETF | IE00BM8R0N95 | -10,98% | -21,29% | -46,63% | 26,56% | 27,63% | |
Fidelity Clean Energy UCITS ETF Acc USD | IE0002MXIF34 | -10,93% | -28,89% | 26,68% | |||
HSBC MSCI INDONESIA UCITS ETF | IE00B46G8275 | -10,93% | -8,03% | 0,26% | -7,94% | 14,25% | 15,20% |
HANetf European Green Deal UCITS ETF Acc | IE0007WMHDE3 | -10,65% | 16,06% | ||||
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF | IE00B5NLX835 | -10,63% | 11,12% | -7,73% | 20,11% | 19,55% | 22,87% |
Xtrackers ShortDAX Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0292106241 | -10,36% | -21,90% | -15,89% | -39,92% | 8,11% | 15,53% |
Amundi ShortDAX Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF Dis | LU2572257041 | -10,30% | 8,13% | ||||
BNP Paribas EASY - FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe ex UK Green UCITS ETF Cap | LU2008763935 | -10,25% | 3,40% | -38,45% | -37,41% | 19,98% | 27,43% |
L&G Optical Technology & Photonics ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE000QNJAOX1 | -9,98% | -6,09% | 8,45% | |||
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Basic Materials UCITS ETF Dist | LU2082996542 | -9,97% | 4,89% | -10,70% | 13,53% | 16,26% | |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Basic Materials UCITS ETF Acc | LU1834983634 | -9,97% | 4,96% | -10,60% | 23,45% | 13,52% | 16,31% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) Share Class | IE00BD8PGZ49 | -9,52% | -9,22% | -39,25% | -33,50% | 12,90% | 17,02% |
UBS (L) FS - Bloomb Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (EUR hdg) A-dis | LU1459800113 | -9,50% | -11,40% | -39,31% | -33,77% | 12,51% | 16,21% |
L&G Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE00BK5BCH80 | -9,49% | -19,92% | -23,13% | 19,91% | 22,45% | |
WisdomTree BioRevolution UCITS ETF - USD Acc | IE000O8KMPM1 | -9,07% | -14,36% | -33,00% | 20,94% | 21,19% | |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources UCITS ETF | LU2082996385 | -9,05% | -11,16% | -3,05% | 21,17% | 22,97% | |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources UCITS ETF - Acc | LU1834983550 | -9,04% | -10,90% | -2,64% | 38,87% | 21,19% | 23,04% |
iShares UK Property UCITS ETF GBP (Dist) Share Class | IE00B1TXLS18 | -8,95% | 2,52% | -34,02% | -28,45% | 17,29% | 24,42% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0F5UK5 | -8,91% | -10,62% | -2,52% | 39,39% | 21,17% | 23,00% |
Vanguard Japan Government Bond Index Fund USD Acc | IE0032915443 | -8,90% | -17,15% | -28,99% | -34,26% | 11,34% | 9,72% |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Food & Beverage UCITS ETF | IE00B5MTYL84 | -8,81% | -9,67% | -21,84% | -12,64% | 8,65% | 12,15% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF (DE) EUR Acc | DE000A2QP4A8 | -8,64% | 13,62% | 18,92% | |||
Xtrackers MSCI Europe Consumer Staples ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C | LU0292105359 | -8,57% | -6,75% | -16,87% | -5,53% | 10,40% | 12,51% |
Sprott Uranium Miners UCITS ETF Acc | IE0005YK6564 | -8,48% | 39,38% | 34,37% | |||
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0Q4R28 | -8,38% | 13,87% | -5,42% | 26,08% | 18,87% | 22,27% |
Xtrackers MSCI Indonesia Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0476289623 | -8,22% | -5,39% | 3,20% | -6,14% | 15,92% | 15,66% |
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist | LU1407890976 | -8,19% | -5,84% | -33,85% | -29,19% | 11,67% | 16,51% |
SPDR® Barclays 15+ Year Gilt UCITS ETF | IE00B6YX5L24 | -8,14% | -4,99% | -46,59% | -43,28% | 11,59% | 19,01% |
Amundi FTSE Epra Europe Real Estate - UCITS ETF - EUR (D) | LU1812091194 | -8,13% | 6,48% | -34,84% | -32,00% | 20,56% | 26,37% |
Amundi MDAX ESG UCITS ETF Dis | LU2611731667 | -8,13% | 10,24% | ||||
Amundi MSCI Indonesia UCITS ETF Acc | LU1900065811 | -8,07% | -5,19% | 3,87% | -4,72% | 16,40% | 16,06% |
Amundi MDAX UCITS ETF Dist | FR0011857234 | -7,99% | -0,80% | -29,26% | -13,83% | 11,82% | 20,03% |
WisdomTree Battery Solutions UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE00BKLF1R75 | -7,89% | -15,40% | -35,06% | 22,07% | 22,74% | |
Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 6C MXN Hedged | IE00BMCFJ320 | -7,69% | 18,71% | 14,36% | 11,16% | 13,31% | |
Amundi MSCI New Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist | FR0010524777 | -7,61% | -27,73% | -37,26% | -7,13% | 18,75% | 23,68% |
VanEck AMX UCITS ETF | NL0009272756 | -7,55% | -5,08% | -15,00% | 4,86% | 10,07% | 16,15% |
UBS(L) FS - Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc | LU1459803059 | -7,42% | -9,14% | -40,09% | 11,73% | 17,59% | |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Chemicals UCITS ETF | IE00B5MTY077 | -7,24% | 7,32% | -10,80% | 18,59% | 13,93% | 16,95% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Chemicals UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0H08E0 | -7,22% | 8,01% | -8,23% | 26,48% | 13,30% | 16,40% |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Basic Resources UCITS ETF | IE00B5MTWY73 | -7,05% | -10,28% | -1,42% | 40,74% | 22,03% | 23,80% |
Xtrackers S&P 500 Inverse Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0322251520 | -6,99% | -22,44% | -2,11% | -43,65% | 13,14% | 22,15% |
Xtrackers Germany Mittelstand & MidCap UCITS ETF 1D | IE00B9MRJJ36 | -6,96% | -2,96% | -31,45% | -8,68% | 11,47% | 21,05% |
Amundi MSCI New Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc | FR0014002CG3 | -6,95% | -27,17% | -36,76% | 18,55% | 23,65% | |
UBS (L) FS - BB MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable ETF (hdg to CHF) A-dis | LU1215461754 | -6,90% | 0,37% | -16,83% | -8,86% | 10,08% | 12,06% |
First Trust Alerian Disruptive Technology Real Estate UCITS ETF - B USD | IE000C75IMX8 | -6,69% | -0,48% | 16,61% | |||
Xtrackers II Japan Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C | LU0952581584 | -6,63% | -15,71% | -28,14% | -33,87% | 12,02% | 10,03% |
Vanguard Japan Government Bond Index Fund JPY Acc | IE0033005699 | -6,63% | -14,91% | -27,14% | -32,53% | 11,91% | 10,05% |
Vanguard Japan Government Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus JPY Acc | IE00BGCZ0H16 | -6,57% | -14,81% | -27,00% | -32,32% | 11,91% | 10,05% |
Invesco US Treasury Bond 10+ Year UCITS ETF GBP Hdg Dis | IE00BKWD3859 | -6,57% | -6,92% | 12,79% | |||
iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) EUR (Acc) | DE0005933923 | -6,45% | 0,97% | -28,34% | -12,31% | 11,31% | 20,02% |
BNP PARIBAS EASY ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF USD Capitalisation | LU2533813023 | -6,44% | 17,61% | ||||
iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) EUR (Dist) | DE000A2QP349 | -6,43% | 0,98% | -28,31% | 11,16% | 20,03% | |
Amundi MDAX ESG II UCITS ETF - Dist EUR | DE000ETF9074 | -6,34% | 2,75% | -26,83% | -10,13% | 10,18% | 19,66% |
Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 4D - CHF Hedged | LU0641007421 | -6,25% | -0,75% | -16,81% | -2,04% | 7,32% | 9,75% |
Deka MDAX® UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL441 | -6,21% | 1,12% | -28,06% | -11,53% | 11,30% | 20,04% |
Invesco MDAX UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BHJYDV33 | -6,11% | 0,98% | -28,02% | -11,45% | 11,32% | 20,04% |
Deka STOXX® Europe Strong Growth 20 UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL037 | -5,91% | 8,91% | -33,74% | 4,94% | 14,78% | 25,90% |
Vanguard U.K. Gilt UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Cap | IE00BMX0B524 | -5,74% | -4,06% | -30,58% | 7,10% | 11,38% | |
BNP Paribas Easy ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Econony - UCITS ETF Capitalisation | LU2365458145 | -5,71% | -9,51% | 17,25% | |||
Vanguard Global Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus JPY Hedged Acc | IE00BGCZ0D77 | -5,70% | -13,59% | -32,68% | -35,23% | 14,48% | 13,64% |
iShares Essential Metals Producers UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE000ROSD5J6 | -5,57% | 26,19% | ||||
iShares MSCI Europe Energy Sector UCITS ETF EUR Dist | IE000UDV9YG1 | -5,42% | 2,73% | 12,52% | |||
iShares Asia Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Dist) Share Class | IE00B1FZS244 | -5,42% | -10,61% | -16,64% | -21,34% | 12,42% | 12,09% |
iShares MSCI Europe Energy Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) | IE00BMW42637 | -5,40% | 2,74% | 40,26% | 12,51% | 19,23% | |
Xtrackers Euro Stoxx 50 Short Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0292106753 | -5,26% | -19,72% | -16,82% | -40,72% | 8,84% | 15,27% |
VanEck Vectors Low Carbon Energy ETF | US92189F5026 | -5,19% | -8,49% | -32,64% | 21,34% | 23,18% | |
Vanguard U.S. Government Bond Index Fund CHF Hedged Acc | IE00077YXI85 | -5,19% | 0,33% | 8,30% | |||
Invesco US Treasury Bond 10+ Year UCITS ETF Dis | IE00BKWD3743 | -5,14% | -9,35% | 10,11% | |||
Vanguard 20+ Year Euro Treasury Index Fund EUR Acc | IE00B246KL88 | -5,12% | 3,23% | -37,98% | -36,58% | 10,71% | 21,17% |
Vanguard 20+ Year Euro Treasury Index Fund Institutional Plus EUR Acc | IE00BGCZ0L51 | -5,07% | 3,35% | -37,87% | -36,39% | 10,71% | 21,18% |
WisdomTree Recycling Decarbonisation UCITS ETF-USD Acc | IE000LG4J7E7 | -5,02% | -24,02% | 18,11% | |||
iShares $ Treasury Bond 1-3yr UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc) | IE00BDDRHB81 | -5,00% | 17,90% | 34,01% | 36,09% | 9,80% | 8,62% |
SPDR® Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Bond USD Base CCY Hdg to EUR UCITS ETF Ac | IE00BK8JH525 | -4,97% | 2,04% | -11,46% | -18,43% | 8,49% | 10,97% |
Amundi EURO STOXX 50 Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0010424135 | -4,90% | -19,45% | -16,57% | -40,92% | 8,29% | 15,16% |
SPDR® MSCI Europe Energy UCITS ETF | IE00BKWQ0F09 | -4,81% | 3,78% | 42,83% | 33,18% | 12,74% | 19,33% |
UBS (L) FS - Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+ UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis | LU1645381689 | -4,81% | 1,46% | -21,20% | -7,96% | 7,39% | 15,36% |
iShares Core UK Gilts UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist. | IE000BI0GCN3 | -4,73% | -2,71% | 6,23% | |||
Amundi SDAX UCITS ETF Dis | LU2611732475 | -4,66% | 11,18% | ||||
Xtrackers FTSE Vietnam Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0322252924 | -4,61% | -0,84% | -43,05% | -12,85% | 13,58% | 22,56% |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF Acc | LU1834988781 | -4,60% | 17,05% | -0,20% | -11,50% | 12,09% | 21,62% |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF Dist | LU2082999132 | -4,60% | 17,02% | 0,23% | 12,09% | 21,60% | |
iShares Asia Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Share Class | IE00BGDPWV87 | -4,56% | -9,79% | -15,93% | -20,76% | 12,77% | 12,20% |
First Trust GF - Alerian Disruptive Technology Real Estate UCITS ETF Class A USD | IE000RN036E0 | -4,50% | 4,57% | 16,63% | |||
Amundi European Sector Rotation Fund P EUR Dis | FR0013356094 | -4,45% | 4,48% | 1,62% | 35,61% | 8,42% | 12,90% |
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 4C - CHF Hedged | LU0641006613 | -4,42% | 3,07% | -9,63% | -4,56% | 7,47% | 8,51% |
UBS (L) FS - Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc | LU1048317538 | -4,41% | 5,22% | -13,10% | -4,62% | 8,90% | 11,78% |
Amundi Euro Government Bond 25+Y - UCITS ETF Dist | LU1686832277 | -4,34% | 5,48% | -38,11% | 11,90% | 22,69% | |
iShares Euro Government Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) Share Cl | IE00BSKRJX20 | -4,31% | 4,60% | -34,00% | -32,67% | 10,52% | 19,42% |
iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc) | IE00BDDRH631 | -4,24% | 19,72% | 34,46% | 39,33% | 10,06% | 8,88% |
Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 12 Circular Economy UCITS ETF 1C USD | IE000Y6ZXZ48 | -4,24% | -6,92% | 12,63% | |||
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Consumer Staples UCITS ETF Acc | LU1834985845 | -4,23% | -5,66% | -18,10% | -4,96% | 8,47% | 12,10% |
Amundi UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist | LU1407893301 | -4,23% | -1,03% | -37,88% | -27,50% | 7,76% | 15,20% |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Consumer Staples UCITS ETF Dist | LU2082997359 | -4,23% | -5,67% | -17,94% | 8,47% | 12,04% | |
iShares £ Index-Linked Gilts UCITS ETF GBP (Dist) Share Class | IE00B1FZSD53 | -4,09% | -1,61% | -39,10% | -28,84% | 8,26% | 15,65% |
AMUNDI FTSE EPRA EUROPE REAL ESTATE - UCITS ETF - EUR | LU1681039480 | -4,07% | 11,50% | -29,94% | -26,88% | 19,03% | 25,66% |
BNP Paribas Easy FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe UCITS ETF QD | LU1291091228 | -4,03% | 11,53% | -29,73% | -27,75% | 18,81% | 25,57% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 0-1yr UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc) Share Class | IE00BJ5JMP33 | -4,02% | 19,87% | 43,26% | 39,62% | 10,54% | 9,26% |
Global X Disruptive Materials UCITS ETF USD Distributing | IE000544AJM3 | -3,99% | -26,33% | 28,33% | |||
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF MXN Hedged Acc | LU2093217771 | -3,94% | 18,26% | 33,57% | 10,21% | 9,01% | |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Oil & Gas UCITS ETF | IE00B5MTWH09 | -3,94% | 2,21% | 32,83% | 27,09% | 11,65% | 17,32% |
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill UCITS ETF | IE00BJXRT706 | -3,91% | 19,61% | 43,69% | 45,00% | 10,68% | 9,37% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0Q4R44 | -3,82% | 12,88% | -30,32% | -26,01% | 18,76% | 27,09% |
Xtrackers US Treasuries Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF 3C MXN Hedged | IE00BM97MV06 | -3,79% | 19,70% | 42,47% | 10,61% | 9,25% | |
Harbor Health Care UCITS ETF | IE00BJQTJ848 | -3,78% | -5,33% | -29,85% | -16,89% | 12,58% | 19,50% |
Invesco Sustainable Eurozone Equity Fund Z CHF Hgd Acc | LU2582392028 | -3,76% | 5,57% | ||||
PIMCO Emerging Markets Advantage Local Bond Index Source ETF Inc USD | IE00BH3X8336 | -3,75% | 1,89% | -3,72% | -16,22% | 3,87% | 9,68% |
iShares EURO STOXX Small UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) Share Class | IE00B02KXM00 | -3,71% | 9,72% | -7,27% | 22,29% | 9,92% | 16,79% |
JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Sovereign Bond UCITS ETF - CHF Hedged (acc) | IE00BL2F2474 | -3,68% | 7,39% | -8,82% | -7,38% | 8,67% | 11,86% |
iShares eb.rexx® Government Germany 1.5-2.5yr UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A2QP364 | -3,60% | 20,18% | 38,35% | 10,39% | 9,02% | |
Amundi Index US CORP SRI - UCITS ETF DR - Hedged EUR D | LU2297533809 | -3,55% | 1,60% | -16,19% | 8,24% | 9,78% | |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF GBP Hedge (Dist.) | IE00BK5MT033 | -3,53% | -0,11% | -35,94% | -30,72% | 13,47% | 18,35% |
Xtrackers II Global Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETF 4C - CHF Hedged | LU0942970442 | -3,48% | 5,02% | -7,33% | -1,78% | 7,43% | 8,68% |
Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF 1C | LU0489337690 | -3,47% | 12,27% | -29,17% | -25,51% | 18,88% | 25,57% |
Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 25+ UCITS ETF 1C | LU0290357846 | -3,46% | 6,63% | -36,85% | -33,77% | 11,69% | 22,05% |
ZKB Platinum ETF AA CHF Klasse | CH0183136057 | -3,45% | -14,21% | -0,17% | -2,54% | 17,32% | 17,57% |
Invesco US Treasury Bond 7-10 Year UCITS ETF EUR Hdg Dist | IE00BF2FN869 | -3,42% | -2,28% | -18,97% | -15,69% | 7,18% | 8,98% |
iShares J. P. Morgan $ EM Bond UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc) Share Class | IE00BDDRH417 | -3,36% | 25,49% | 20,44% | 20,94% | 10,88% | 13,42% |
Vanguard Global Bond Index Fund CHF Hedged Acc | IE00B2RHVR18 | -3,30% | 5,37% | -7,51% | -2,10% | 7,53% | 8,84% |
Vanguard Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BG47KF31 | -3,26% | 5,44% | -7,39% | 7,53% | 8,85% | |
Vanguard Global Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BGCZ0C60 | -3,25% | 5,45% | -7,38% | -1,89% | 7,53% | 8,84% |
Amundi CAC 40 UCITS ETF Dist | FR0007052782 | -3,16% | 16,10% | 7,86% | 33,02% | 9,87% | 15,30% |
Ossiam ESG Shiller Barclays CAPE® Europe Sector UCITS ETF 1D (EUR) | IE00080CTQA4 | -3,14% | 3,64% | -6,00% | 9,36% | 12,64% | |
UBS (L) FS Bloomberg Barclays Japan Treasury 1-3 Year Bond UCITS ETF (JPY) A-acc | LU2098179695 | -3,03% | -12,03% | -19,17% | 10,30% | 8,82% | |
UBS (L) FS - Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hdg to CHF) A-acc | LU1459802168 | -3,02% | 2,89% | -3,81% | 11,99% | 6,54% | 7,33% |
iShares MSCI Europe Consumer Staples Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) | IE00BMW42074 | -2,98% | -1,54% | -9,73% | 8,59% | 10,92% | |
Amundi Euro Government Bond 15+Y UCITS ETF Dist | LU2090062782 | -2,97% | 9,13% | -30,03% | 10,46% | 18,57% | |
SPDR Barclays 10+ Year US Treasury Bond UCITS ETF | IE00BYSZ5V04 | -2,97% | -3,59% | -28,42% | -21,19% | 10,42% | 12,68% |
iShares eb.rexx® Government Germany 0-1yr UCITS ETF (DE) MXN Hedged Acc | DE000A2QP356 | -2,94% | 20,69% | 44,84% | 10,84% | 9,27% | |
Amundi Euro Government Bond 25+Y - UCITS ETF Acc | LU1686832194 | -2,93% | 7,14% | -37,15% | -34,52% | 11,19% | 22,67% |
VanEck S&P Global Mining UCITS ETF A USD | IE00BDFBTQ78 | -2,93% | -1,51% | 6,22% | 51,86% | 21,88% | 23,45% |
Fidelity Sustainable Global High Yield Bond Paris-Aligned Multifactor UCITS ETF | IE0006KNOFD1 | -2,82% | -3,67% | 4,27% | |||
L&G Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE00BMYDM794 | -2,81% | -9,64% | -39,68% | 23,52% | 26,38% | |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0H08M3 | -2,80% | 4,59% | 34,60% | 28,32% | 11,80% | 16,99% |
Xtrackers II Australia Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C | LU0494592974 | -2,79% | -1,92% | -14,90% | -12,27% | 8,83% | 10,61% |
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF CHF Hdg. | IE00BF1QPK61 | -2,78% | 5,60% | -4,98% | 0,70% | 7,11% | 8,15% |
iShares Global Aggregate Bond ESG UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Acc | IE000Z8F16G5 | -2,76% | 5,83% | -4,69% | 7,09% | 8,20% | |
iShares MSCI Target UK Real Estate UCITS ETF GBP (Dist) | IE00BRHZ0398 | -2,74% | 6,62% | -23,90% | -16,44% | 11,19% | 17,78% |
BNP Paribas Easy FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped - UCITS ETF QD | LU0192223062 | -2,70% | 12,20% | -24,38% | -30,23% | 20,90% | 25,27% |
iShares $ High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF MXN Hedged (Acc) Share Class | IE00BDDRH961 | -2,59% | 26,92% | 35,32% | 43,64% | 10,14% | 11,92% |
iShares eb.rexx (R) Government Germany 10.5+ UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0D8Q31 | -2,57% | 4,05% | -29,89% | -27,91% | 9,97% | 15,90% |
VanEck Oil Services UCITS ETF USD A | IE000NXF88S1 | -2,56% | 28,35% | ||||
L&G FTSE 100® Super Short Strategy (Daily 2x) GO UCITS ETF | IE00B4QNK008 | -2,45% | -7,30% | -24,10% | -49,11% | 15,40% | 19,56% |
Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Acc | LU1563455713 | -2,44% | 8,40% | -10,20% | 7,42% | 10,08% | |
BNP Paribas Easy FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped - UCITS ETF Capitalisation | LU0950381748 | -2,42% | 12,53% | -24,16% | -27,90% | 20,91% | 25,28% |
Xtrackers USD Emerging Markets Bond Quality Weighted UCITS ETF 2D - EUR Hedged | IE00BD4DXB77 | -2,37% | -1,56% | -26,12% | -27,06% | 7,17% | 12,99% |
SPDR® MSCI Europe Materials UCITS ETF | IE00BKWQ0L68 | -2,37% | 9,98% | 0,01% | 36,47% | 12,96% | 17,07% |
Vanguard Euro Government Bond Index Fund CHF Hedged Acc | IE000P959QJ6 | -2,37% | 8,78% | 7,52% | |||
Invesco Wind Energy UCITS ETF Acc | IE0008RX29L5 | -2,36% | -3,44% | 13,58% | |||
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc | LU1407888137 | -2,34% | 7,29% | ||||
UBS (L) FS - Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis | LU1459802754 | -2,34% | -6,90% | -32,96% | -11,22% | 10,21% | 14,89% |
iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF NZD Hedged (Acc) | IE00BYV3HN70 | -2,33% | -0,35% | -13,29% | -10,42% | 9,99% | 11,40% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) | IE00BGPP6697 | -2,32% | -1,05% | -17,97% | -14,65% | 7,27% | 9,01% |
SPDR® MSCI Europe Consumer Staples UCITS ETF | IE00BKWQ0D84 | -2,28% | -0,83% | -9,12% | 5,42% | 8,51% | 10,91% |
Deka Deutsche Boerse EUROGOV® Germany 10+ UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL219 | -2,23% | 4,21% | -29,67% | -27,86% | 9,65% | 15,82% |
Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1C - EUR Hedged | LU0290357929 | -2,22% | -0,26% | -19,25% | -8,92% | 4,77% | 8,34% |
iShares $ Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged ausschüttend | IE00BF3N6Y61 | -2,22% | 4,00% | -17,08% | -11,78% | 8,36% | 11,82% |
Vanguard ESG Global Corporate Bond Index Fund CHF Hedged Acc | IE00094XDHB2 | -2,19% | 8,17% | 7,59% | |||
Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1D - EUR Hedged | LU0962078753 | -2,18% | -0,55% | -19,79% | -9,53% | 4,77% | 8,34% |
Vanguard ESG Global Corporate Bond UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BNDS1R53 | -2,16% | 8,53% | -5,77% | 7,51% | 9,63% | |
Vanguard ESG Global Corporate Bond UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Dis | IE00BNDS1S60 | -2,16% | 8,53% | -5,60% | 7,51% | 9,63% | |
WisdomTree Enhanced Commodity UCITS ETF - CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BG88WL21 | -2,16% | -8,08% | 5,29% | 36,40% | 7,02% | 11,52% |
iShares Global Inflation Linked Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) | IE00BKPT2S34 | -2,15% | -0,30% | -19,31% | 4,79% | 8,39% | |
iShares Global Inflation Linked Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) | IE00BD8PH174 | -2,15% | -0,30% | -19,27% | -8,85% | 4,79% | 8,38% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Share Class | IE00BFM6TC58 | -2,12% | -2,62% | -29,28% | -21,02% | 10,74% | 13,66% |
IQAM Strategic Commodity Fund (BT) | AT0000A0LVQ9 | -2,01% | -20,71% | -7,03% | 10,91% | 12,44% | 17,24% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist) Share Class | IE00BSKRJZ44 | -2,00% | -2,57% | -29,21% | -21,01% | 10,70% | 13,64% |
Global X AGTech & Food Innovation UCITS ETF | IE000EBFYWX3 | -1,94% | -26,71% | 13,13% | |||
Amundi IS Global Agg SRI 1-5 - UCITS ETF DR - Hedged CHF | LU2606055775 | -1,94% | 5,73% | ||||
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Dist | LU2082998167 | -1,92% | 0,53% | 29,54% | 12,14% | 17,15% | |
Amundi STOXX Europe 600 Energy ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc | LU1834988278 | -1,92% | 0,62% | 29,56% | 23,35% | 12,14% | 17,11% |
Invesco Sustainable Eurozone Equity Fund E Acc | LU2582393265 | -1,82% | 6,34% | ||||
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF HKD Hedged Dist | LU2338178648 | -1,74% | -3,41% | -28,21% | 9,69% | 12,72% | |
Amundi Italy BTP Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF Acc | FR0011023621 | -1,73% | -21,89% | 17,02% | -3,14% | 11,84% | 20,66% |
Fidelity Global Government Bond Climate Aware Index UCITS ETF Inc USD | IE000IF0HTJ9 | -1,70% | 4,37% | ||||
Xtrackers II iTraxx Crossover Short Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0321462870 | -1,69% | -12,40% | -10,63% | -20,87% | 2,96% | 6,90% |
Global X Disruptive Materials UCITS ETF USD Accumulating | IE000FP52WM7 | -1,66% | -23,50% | 27,60% | |||
iShares $ Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) Share Class | IE00BGPP6473 | -1,64% | 0,56% | -11,01% | -9,13% | 4,66% | 5,70% |
UBS (L) FS - Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hdg to CHF) A-acc | LU1048315755 | -1,61% | 6,49% | 0,66% | 6,86% | 6,25% | 6,87% |
Amundi MSCI Nordic UCITS ETF - EUR | LU1681044647 | -1,59% | 15,00% | 1,14% | 51,31% | 11,02% | 15,93% |
Vanguard Global Short-Term Bond Index Fund CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BH65QQ53 | -1,45% | 6,36% | 3,19% | 8,37% | 5,78% | 6,13% |
WisdomTree Eurozone Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR Acc IE | IE00BZ56TQ67 | -1,43% | 18,41% | -5,04% | 25,89% | 7,80% | 16,65% |
Invesco US High Yield Fallen Angels UCITS ETF CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BYVTMY13 | -1,42% | 10,72% | -3,14% | 14,17% | 6,54% | 9,45% |
SPDR Barclays 10+ Year Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF | IE00BYSZ6062 | -1,41% | 8,79% | -26,59% | -24,62% | 8,52% | 15,58% |
Deka DAXplus® Maximum Dividend UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL235 | -1,40% | 24,75% | -0,23% | 5,63% | 8,92% | 16,75% |
Invesco EUR Government and Related Green Transition UCITS ETF Dis | IE0008SEV3B2 | -1,38% | 4,75% | ||||
Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond SRI PAB UCITS ETF 2C EUR hedged | IE00BL58LL31 | -1,37% | 4,96% | -17,00% | 7,79% | 11,94% | |
WisdomTree Eurozone Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR | IE00BZ56SY76 | -1,36% | 18,39% | -5,20% | 25,65% | 7,78% | 16,61% |
Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe ex UK Real Estate UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BP8FKB21 | -1,36% | 16,90% | -24,56% | -21,24% | 19,52% | 26,44% |
Vanguard Global Short-Term Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus CHF Hedged Acc | IE00BH65QV07 | -1,35% | 6,48% | 3,38% | 8,67% | 5,77% | 6,11% |
Invesco Markets II plc - Invesco US Treasury Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged | IE00BF2GFK56 | -1,23% | 0,44% | 5,45% | |||
Xtrackers II US Treasuries UCITS ETF 2D - EUR Hedged | LU1399300455 | -1,22% | -0,36% | -16,39% | -14,49% | 5,68% | 6,90% |
RIZE Sustainable Future of Food UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE00BLRPQH31 | -1,21% | -6,31% | -27,84% | 13,96% | 17,39% | |
PIMCO Short-Term High Yield Corporate Bond Index UCITS ETF (EUR Hedged) Inc | IE00BF8HV600 | -1,18% | 0,04% | -9,61% | -14,06% | 2,46% | 6,06% |
Vanguard USD Treasury Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Cap | IE00BMX0B631 | -1,17% | 0,44% | -14,35% | 5,48% | 6,75% | |
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Acc | LU1407890547 | -1,16% | -1,46% | -25,67% | 9,81% | 12,66% | |
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Dist | LU1407890620 | -1,15% | 1,17% | -24,12% | -16,81% | 9,81% | 13,39% |
Vanguard U.S. Government Bond Index Fund EUR Hedged Acc | IE0007471471 | -1,12% | 0,52% | -14,13% | -11,64% | 5,44% | 6,68% |
Invesco Sustainable Eurozone Equity Fund A EUR AD | LU2582393695 | -1,12% | 6,41% | ||||
Xtrackers MSCI Nordic UCITS ETF 1D | IE00B9MRHC27 | -1,11% | 13,11% | -2,59% | 46,45% | 11,10% | 16,37% |
iShares MSCI Poland UCITS ETF USD (Acc) Share Class | IE00B4M7GH52 | -1,08% | 41,55% | 8,94% | 3,16% | 12,07% | 27,34% |
Deka iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified 10+ UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL169 | -1,06% | 9,48% | -30,54% | -27,61% | 9,57% | 18,82% |
Vanguard U.S. Government Bond Index Fund Institutional Plus EUR Hedged | IE00BF6T7R10 | -1,06% | 0,65% | -13,96% | -11,33% | 5,44% | 6,68% |
PIMCO Low Duration US Corporate Bond Source UCITS ETF CHF (Hedged) Acc | IE00BWC52F58 | -1,03% | 6,98% | 3,66% | 10,24% | 5,93% | 6,98% |
Invesco Sustainable Eurozone Equity Fund A Acc | LU2582393422 | -1,00% | 6,29% | ||||
Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 11 Sustainable Cities UCITS ETF 1C | IE000V0GDVU7 | -0,99% | 15,71% | 13,33% | |||
iShares France Government Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) Share Class | IE00B7LGZ558 | -0,99% | 5,29% | -14,86% | -15,04% | 4,44% | 8,17% |
SPDR FTSE EPRA Europe Ex UK Real Estate UCITS ETF | IE00BSJCQV56 | -0,97% | 17,51% | -25,95% | -22,86% | 19,70% | 26,62% |
Xtrackers II ESG Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 4D EUR Hedged | LU2385068593 | -0,97% | 1,22% | -17,13% | 4,79% | 7,24% | |
UBS ETF (CH) - MSCI Switzerland IMI Dividend ESG A | CH1244681594 | -0,96% | 11,13% | ||||
Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 2D - EUR Hedged | IE00BZ036J45 | -0,92% | 1,50% | -24,59% | -22,17% | 7,60% | 12,35% |
Amundi MSCI EMU Small Cap ESG CTB Net Zero Ambition - UCITS ETF Dist | LU1598689153 | -0,90% | 13,12% | -6,21% | 19,26% | 10,51% | 16,50% |
HSBC MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic ESG UCITS ETF | IE0009BC6K22 | -0,89% | 2,21% | 13,17% | |||
Rize Global Sustainable Infrastructure UCITS ETF USD Dis | IE000QUCVEN9 | -0,88% | 9,62% | ||||
Swisscanto (CH) Index Fund V - Swisscanto (CH) Index Commodity Fund FAH CHF | CH0315621893 | -0,87% | -7,73% | 6,70% | 29,92% | 7,83% | 14,20% |
SPDR Barclays UK Gilt ETF | IE00B3W74078 | -0,85% | 4,63% | -26,36% | -23,65% | 7,26% | 13,23% |
iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) | IE00BKP5L409 | -0,84% | 1,39% | -13,16% | -13,15% | 6,79% | 8,61% |
Amundi Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist | LU1650491795 | -0,82% | 5,73% | -4,57% | 4,37% | 8,57% | |
Xtrackers MSCI Global SDGs UCITS ETF 1C | IE000PSF3A70 | -0,81% | -7,30% | 10,52% | |||
iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) | IE00BDFJYM28 | -0,78% | 2,25% | -13,46% | -11,16% | 5,94% | 7,83% |
iShares Global Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) | IE00BKT6FT27 | -0,71% | 2,81% | -12,53% | -11,44% | 4,50% | 6,07% |
UBS ETF (CH) SPI® Mid (CHF) A-dis | CH0130595124 | -0,70% | 15,41% | -7,52% | 24,26% | 8,12% | 14,00% |
Amundi Euro Government Bond 15+Y UCITS ETF Acc | LU1287023268 | -0,68% | 9,44% | -29,87% | -27,30% | 9,26% | 18,01% |
Amundi Euro Government Bond 10-15Y UCITS ETF Dist | LU1650489898 | -0,68% | 12,14% | -16,32% | 7,60% | 12,08% | |
Invesco Preferred Shares UCITS ETF - CHF hedged acc | IE00BDT8TZ34 | -0,66% | 9,87% | -12,65% | -2,98% | 10,32% | 16,37% |
iShares $ Corp Bond 0-3yr ESG UCITS ETF CHF Hedged (Acc.) | IE00BMH5T376 | -0,61% | 6,87% | 6,06% | 5,05% | 5,46% | |
Xtrackers MSCI Europe Materials ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C EUR | LU0292100806 | -0,56% | 18,60% | 3,30% | 46,75% | 12,87% | 17,28% |
UBS (Irl) Bloomberg Commodity Index SF UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc | IE00B598DX38 | -0,55% | -7,15% | 9,20% | 35,25% | 7,85% | 13,69% |
Amundi CAC 40 ESG UCITS ETF DR EUR (D) | LU1681047079 | -0,52% | 20,54% | 9,48% | 34,21% | 10,55% | 16,27% |
Amundi Stoxx Europe Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF - Dist | LU1812092168 | -0,51% | 9,97% | -1,68% | 6,33% | 12,87% | 15,36% |
Swisscanto (CH) Index Fund V - Swisscanto (CH) Index Commodity Fund NTH CHF | CH0132501872 | -0,47% | -7,08% | 8,47% | 35,19% | 7,83% | 13,69% |
Amundi S&P Global Materials ESG UCITS ETF DR - EUR (D) | IE000WP7CVZ7 | -0,47% | 10,04% | 12,64% | |||
Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 15-30 UCITS ETF 1C | LU0290357507 | -0,46% | 9,98% | -27,93% | -24,81% | 9,58% | 16,95% |
UBS ETFs plc - CMCI Composite SF UCITS ETF CHF SF-A | IE00B58FQX63 | -0,42% | -0,83% | 16,94% | 60,52% | 6,44% | 11,24% |
Amundi S&P Global Materials ESG UCITS ETF DR - EUR (A) | IE000FCGBU62 | -0,39% | 10,13% | 12,65% | |||
Global X Autonomous & Electric Vehicles UCITS ETF Dis | IE00BMH5YS76 | -0,38% | 20,02% | -16,06% | 16,21% | 25,51% | |
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D - EUR Hedged | LU0690964092 | -0,38% | 2,45% | -14,19% | -13,19% | 4,46% | 6,23% |
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C - EUR Hedged | LU0378818131 | -0,37% | 3,44% | -12,42% | -11,41% | 4,47% | 6,28% |
Invesco Sustainable Eurozone Equity Fund C Acc | LU2582393182 | -0,36% | 6,29% | ||||
Amundi Global Government Bond II UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Dist | LU2099289147 | -0,35% | 5,23% | -10,85% | 4,32% | 6,63% | |
iShares European Property Yield UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) Share Class | IE00BGDQ0L74 | -0,34% | 17,88% | -26,73% | -27,30% | 19,28% | 25,68% |
UBS (L) FS - Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corp. Sustainable ETF (hdg to EUR) A-acc | LU1215461325 | -0,33% | 5,48% | -15,45% | -11,30% | 6,31% | 10,47% |
Quelle: FVBS professional
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